
BreatheLife uses a variety of channels (in-person and digital) to advocate for our cause and raise funds to support our programmes around the world. Unfortunately, fraudsters and cyber crooks are also constantly looking for ways to trick our donors and supporters.

Here are a few common types of fraud:

  • Phishing via fake websites or emails

    Phishing occurs when fake websites or emails are created to look like the official one. They are designed to trick us into disclosing private information.

    If you have received an email from BreatheLife or landed on a website that looks like ours but doesn’t seem genuine (contains grammar and spelling mistakes, odd colours or poor graphics), the safest thing to do is to ignore it. If you are on our transaction page, make sure the URL is secure by looking for https:// - the “s” indicates the website is using secure technology.

  • Phone fraud

    Possible phone frauds include telephone calls claiming that your sponsored family(s) are in need of medical attention and request that you assist financially by transferring money directly into a bank account.

    Kindly note that BreatheLife does not solicit or demand contributions or funds from our families in this manner. Furthermore, sponsored families are not allowed to approach sponsors directly for any financial support.

  • Bank fraud

    Please DO NOT provide your personal and bank details should you receive a phone call or email claiming that you have won a cash prize from BreatheLife and request your bank account information, so that the prize money can be deposited directly into your account.

  • Third-party fundraising

    BreatheLife may engage third-party organisations from time to time to undertake fundraising activities on its behalf. All third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide services to BreatheLife, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

    However, some unauthorised third-party organisations have used BreatheLife’s logo on printed materials and social media sites for fundraising purposes.